Tuesday, April 27, 2010


So much for the good intentions to keep my blog up-to-date. When I started, I aimed to free the time and clear the space but I have been busy being busy.

Although the dust has settled on our recent air travel disruption, I now find myself sitting in Edinburgh airport. My flight to Belfast has been delayed. What better time and place to deal with the bloglag and get up to date?

Much has happened since my last post, including a visit to the French Ambassador’s Residence in London for an award ceremony; a long overdue first visit to the Wallace Collection in Hertford House, Sir Richard's London home; afternoon tea in the Merchant Hotel, Belfast; a sumptuous dinner in the Signet Library in Parliament Square, Edinburgh and a visit to the National Gallery of Scotland to take in its impressionist and dance exhibitions.

Listing the experiences doesn’t get me off my self-imposed hook though and so the sequence above is a declaration of blog intent to write and post material in that order.

I give myself a week. If I run I might just stand still.