Saturday, December 12, 2009

Care, Courtesy and Consideration

While clearing out some papers, I found my old driving licence. It goes back nearly 40 years so that's a long time driving. On the back of those old licences was some advice for the holder. The message reads: "Care, Courtesy, Consideration on the roads Saves Lives".
Christmas shopping trips are now under way and it seems that lots of motorists are in a hurry - weaving in and out, racing to overtake and braking hard at the next red light. Traffic reports frequently warn of delays associated with accidents and breakdowns.
For all our sakes, we just need to take extra care. And in the spirit of Christmas wouldn't it be courteous to acknowledge those drivers who show us consideration by signalling their intentions, leaving space or slowing up to let us join the traffic ahead of them? Wouldn't it be considerate of us to do that for others? I sometimes get annoyed when others fail to acknowledge my light flashing moments of courtesy. Perhaps though their heads were so full they genuinely didn't notice. That's a signal to be even more considerate and patient. Have you ever noticed that when we use care, courtesy and consideration on the roads the drive is a little easier and smoother? I may have been driving for nearly 40 years but I know that there is still room for improvement with those three values. "C" you on the road!